Benefits of bicycles for children and teenagers

Benefits of bicycles for children and teenagers

Motion coordination
The benefits of riding a bicycle for a child from three years old are invaluable. After all, such an activity trains the vestibular apparatus, allows you to learn to coordinate your movements, work both hands and feet and keep your balance. A child with each trip becomes more and more dexterous and confident in his abilities (which will positively affect both sports skills and his character).

And yet many doctors do not recommend teaching a child to ride a bicycle before the age of three. At this age, abdominal muscles in children are still weak, and serious physical activity can cause a hernia. But it is considered quite safe to “passive riding” – that is, putting a child on a bicycle, put his feet on the stand, so he does not reach the pedals, and, holding the wheel and saddle, ride it around the apartment or playground. Don’t even doubt that your little one will love it!

Muscles in tone
Riding a bicycle helps to develop the calves and other muscles of the lower extremities, abs and pelvis. Therefore, cycling will help to avoid many problems in adulthood (for example, various genital dysfunctions).

Of great importance is riding in childhood flat feet. Working with his feet, the child eliminates the slightest signs of ailment and strengthens the muscles of the feet. However, parents should monitor the correct positioning of the feet. The baby should rest on the pedals only with the toes. The rest of the foot should remain idle.

Good posture
Bicycle well develops long muscles of the body, that is, a natural muscular corset that strengthens the spine and prevents it from bending. Therefore, a child who is a young child riding a bicycle, in the future will have a beautiful posture. Riding a bicycle is also recommended as a therapeutic procedure for children with x-shaped legs. Putting a wide bar between the child’s legs, you can correct their curvature (more about this you can tell an expert).

A beautiful figure
If a child has excessive fullness, various complexes can develop on its background. This is especially true for teenagers. But the problem has a simple solution. Exercising cycling normalizes the metabolism and helps to burn extra calories. The figure of the forming girls becomes more slender, and in future young men, the muscle definition becomes clearer.

Endurance heart.
While cycling strengthens the blood vessels and the heart muscle. The overall stamina of the body increases significantly. Because of this, your child will feel better, be less tired, and have a much easier time overcoming difficulties in school and sports. Again, this is the best way to affect the formation of his attitude. It is not without reason that they say “a healthy body is a healthy spirit!”

Healthy Lungs
Cycling outdoors, like most sports, is an excellent workout for the respiratory system. It increases the volume of the lungs, which increases the oxygen content in the blood. Every organ begins to function better, tissue regeneration is accelerated, performance improves, brain function improves, the risk of depression and chronic fatigue syndrome is reduced.

Good vision
A teenager, riding a bicycle, is forced to look into the distance in front of him, and lateral vision – to see what’s nearby. At this time there is a training of the eye muscles, which become more elastic. This prevention of myopia is especially important for those who spend a lot of time with books, computers, smart phones (very often these activities lead to vision impairment).

Strong immunity
Thanks to regular cycling, the appetite improves and the body’s defense against infectious diseases strengthens. The immune system becomes virtually invulnerable to infections and colds. But it is important to keep in mind that such an effect can only be achieved by training in a park or out of town, where the air is saturated with negative odors and phytoncides. On the contrary, “driving” in a city cloud of exhaust gases can cause serious harm to the health of both children and adults.

Nervous System
Teenagers spend a lot of time at school, at the desk. Then they have to do their homework for a few more hours. Riding a bicycle calms the nervous system, helps combat stress and distracts from unpleasant thoughts. Cycling also makes it easier to cope with schoolwork, and you sleep better and more soundly.

A young cyclist needs to perform several actions at once: holding the handlebars, pedaling and watching the road to avoid bumping into obstacles. For a young child riding on the sidewalk, obstacles can be pedestrians and animals. And for a teenager who is interested in exploring the neighborhood on his two-wheeler, it becomes important to know and follow the rules of the road.